About Us
Play Therapists work with children aged 4 to 13 years old supporting their mental health and emotional well-being to enable children to reach their potential.
APAC joined the Apprenticeship Provider and Assessment Register (APAR) as the main training provider for the Play Therapy Apprenticeship training. The Play Therapy apprenticeship was developed by an employer group who were looking to enhance their provision to support children’s mental health and well-being.
APAC provide apprenticeship training for professionals who wish to work with children using Play Therapy. We teach the Integrative Holistic model of Play Therapy. It is the only Play Therapy training programme validated through a practice evidence base with over 46,000 outcome measures by referrers and parents.
The Play Therapy apprenticeship training programme is a level 7 qualification, academically rigorous and professionally robust. As part of the Play Therapy apprenticeship all apprentices will complete an End Point Assessment which concludes their apprenticeship.
The APAC apprenticeship training provides a consistent and coherent programme across the UK, we currently teach from 11 venues in the UK.
Alongside apprenticeship training APAC offer a range of set training programmes and bespoke training.
For further information, please contact us.